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 Green Schools 2022-23


Green Schools Committee


Green Schools Committee 2022-23.



Our Green Schools Theme for 2022-23 is Global Citizenship - Food and Biodiversity. This theme's focus concerns growing and preparing food using organic methods and wildlife friendly means.We investigate the positive impact that our food growing actions can have by interrupting globl food production, by reducing food miles and food waste.


Our Green Code:


Help to keep our planet green. Plant more flowers to help the bees.


Green Schools 2020-2021


Global Citizenship and Travel.


Our Green Schools Theme for 2019 to 2021 is Global Citizenship and Travel. Transport accounts for 20% of all Greenhouse Gases in Ireland. In this theme we aim to reduce our reliance on car only journeys and we encourage Sustainable Travel - Walking, Cycling, Scooting, Car-Pooling, Park and Stride and Bus. By working on this theme we will discover how our Green Schools work is having a positive effect on global issues including air quality and sustainable development.


For this theme we are focusing on the following four Sustainable Devlopment Goals or Global Goals:

3- Good Health and Wellbeing,

10- Reduced Inequalities,

11- Sustainable Cities,

13- Climate Action 


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Click Here to watch our Travel Video.






Global Citizenship and The Marine Environment.


70% of our earth is covered by ocean. This theme looks at the threats to our marine environment and how we can help to protect our oceans.


Our Green Code is: " Keep Our Oceans Nice and Clean. No Plastic Should Ever Be Seen."

Our Green Schools committee hard at work to earn our 8th Green Flag- Global Citizenship and The Marine Environment. Please click on the link below to see!!!

Welcome to our Green Schools Page



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Green Schools Committee 2016 - 2017 


2nd Class: Saoirse O Hare and John Paul Murphy


3rd Class: Maeve Rochford, Seamus Egan and Joanna McCarthy


4th Class: Sarah Byrnes, David Duff and Glen McNamara


5th Class: Molly Sweeney and Darragh Donovan


6th Class: Jennifer Nicholas and Adam McNamara




Our Green Schools Slogan.


Walk, run or cycle to school, try to save fossil fuels.

Turn off the lights when you don't have to see,

This is how you can save energy.




Our theme for 2016 - 2017 is Global Citizenship Energy. We are currently reviewing our energy

usage in the school and exploring ways to reduce it even further.We will be adding a global dimension to this by looking the area of climate change.